We are proud of our brands

By focusing our activities on customer satisfaction, we offer products exactly as our recipient expects. We believe that it is thanks to him that we exist, we develop and that we create our best products for the production of which we try to strive for excellence.

BAMBINO Lovely Baby

Bambino lovely baby diapers are made of ultra-soft materials, not bleached with molecular chlorine, they do not contain fragrances or other additives, thanks to which the risk of irritation is minimized.
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The new POOPEYS diapers have a special structure of the absorbent core which makes the diapers perfectly absorb moisture , and compared to their previous version – they absorb even more of it!
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Bambi Plus

The specially designed shape of the diaper ensures comfort and safety even for very busy children.
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Own brands

In addition to the above, we also produce our own brands for our clients.
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